Tuesday 18 September 2012

To my parents, with love

Remember that time I called you up, sobbing into the phone and admitting that I had failed a subject for the first time in my life? I didn't have to wait till the last minute to tell you because I found I couldn't keep it to myself. I needed you guys to know, even if I thought you'd be upset or get mad at me. But you did, neither. Dad, you even took me out to have dessert that very night so that I could get some air and clear my head. Remember when I failed a second time and you guys said you'd love me no matter what my grades were? Not everyone's this blessed to have parents like you and I'm sorry that I forget that sometimes.

I have messed up countless times, from letting a glass of water slip from my fingers to failing a class, you've been there to clean everything up and make all the pain go away. I've been through a lot and you have always been there, riding it out with me. Thank you for never giving up on me and believing in me and praying for me. I've grown up knowing I am loved by you. No matter what was going on, no matter how much I screwed up, I knew that that was never going to change. You guys always made sure of that. I cannot thank you enough.

I love you both with all my heart. I do and I hope you guys know that.

With love,
Your daughter.

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